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Global Quiz Nights

 By Anju Mary Paul

Jan 5th 2021

Do you know which British movie won the 2020 Oscar for best original song? (Rocketman)

This is one of the questions asked on Christmas Day 2020 when the extended Paily family organized a global trivia quiz spanning three countries - the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore. There were six participants in all, with one quizmaster (Daniel) and four teams (George in the US, Anu in the UK, and Paloma and Anju in Singapore as one team, and Sebastian as another Singapore-based team). 

The quiz was broken into several rounds, with each round containing questions on a single theme. In the first round, the team of Anju and Paloma took the lead, but they faced stiff competition from Anu who eventually won the game with a whopping 4-point lead. 

The Christmas Day quiz was so much fun that the family continued to organize quizzes on the following days. Sebastian was quizmaster the following day, and then Paloma took her turn. George is expected to serve as quizmaster in the next upcoming quiz.       


  1. All the quizzes were of such a high standard. How do you think up these questions? My favourite round was Paloma's weird food round. Some pretty gross stuff in there!

  2. Why does it have only one question at the start and then say "these were two of the questions"?

    From: Sebastian
    (Though mummy shares my views)


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